Monday, September 14, 2015

সমাজকল্যাণ মন্ত্রী সৈয়দ মহসীন আলী আর নেই!

সমাজকল্যাণ মন্ত্রী সৈয়দ মহসীন আলী ইন্তেকাল করেছেন। ইন্না লিল্লাহি ও ইন্না ইলাহী রাজিউন। আজ সোমবার সকাল ৯টায় সিঙ্গাপুর জেনারেল হাসপাতালে তিনি মৃত্যুবরণ করেন। মন্ত্রীর ভাই সৈয়দ মোস্তাক আলী মানবজমিনকে তাঁর মৃত্যুর খবর নিশ্চিত করেন। নিউমোনিয়া, ডায়াবেটিস ও হৃদরোগের সমস্যা নিয়ে গত ৩রা সেপ্টেম্বর

Sunday, September 6, 2015

জানুন ফ্রিল্যান্সিং পেমেন্ট ও উদ্যাক্তাদের জন্য পেওনিয়ার ডেবিট মাস্টারকার্ড কেন সেরা! (বাংলাদেশ থেকে পেপাল ফোন ভেরিফাই করার উপায়) Payoneer Debit Mastercard Support In Bangladesh

আসসালামুয়ালাইকুম কেমন আছেন সকল ফ্রিল্যান্সার ভাই ও বোনেরা? আজ আপনাদের জন্য পেওনিয়ার ডেবিট মাস্টার কার্ড ( Payoneer Debit Mastercard) ও বাংলাদেশ থেকে আমেরিকান পেপাল একাউন্ট  মোবাইল ফোন ভেরিফাই করার উপায়  নিয়ে আলোচনা করবো।  আশা করি মনোযোগ দিয়ে আমার সম্পূর্ণ টিউনস পড়লে Payoneer বিশয়ে অনেক প্রশ্নের উত্তর পাবেন এবং পেওনিয়ার কার্ড (Payoneer Card) নিয়ে কোন প্রশ্ন থাকলে টিউমেন্টসে জানাবেন উত্তর দেবার চেষ্টা করবো।

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How to Make Money on oDesk in 7 Steps?

Are you struggling to find enough work on oDesk? What you may be lacking is not necessarily the skills to do the work, but the skills to get the job.
If that’s the case, you’re actually in a good position, because it’s easier and faster to learn how to get work on oDesk than it is to learn new professional skills. After that, it is just a matter of determining how to apply these methods to your circumstances. As you do so, you will increase your chances of getting hired, and get more opportunities to deliver high-quality work that clients will give you good testimonials for—thus creating a virtuous cycle of more hiring.
We actually just wrote a whole book called “7 Steps For Making Money On oDesk,” which can be downloaded for free on our website. But here are some excerpts of the seven steps, to help you get started quickly:

How to Improve Your Search Engine Ranking on Google?

When I first started as a webmaster, there were numerous search engines around. Nowadays, though, we are, for the most part, left with only Google and Bing, with Google providing the majority of visitors to most websites, including This article provides some tips on how you can improve the position of your site in the search engine results on oogle.Improving Your Site's Placement on Google's Search Engine Results Google ranks a page according to a large number of factors. Exactly what these factors are is apparently a trade secret, although there are number of well-known things that contribute to the ranking of a page.

What is the Difference Between Web Design and Web Development?

Many people use the two terms “web design” and “web development” interchangeably, but they really do have two different meanings. If you’re looking for a new job or someone to build your website, you need to know the difference.

Web Design:

Web design is the customer-facing part of the website. A web designer is concerned with how a site looks and how the customers interact with it. Good web designers know how to put together the principles of design to create a site that looks great. They also understand about usability and how to create a site that customers want to navigate around in because it’s so easy to do.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

How to create a Gmail account with video tutorial?

'Google mail' or ‘Gmail‘ is a web-based email account in which emails are stored on the internet rather than on your computer. Internet email can be a flexible option as you can access emails from any computer that has internet access – for example, at internet cafés – anywhere in the world.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

How to make a free odesk account an easy way?

Deer visitors in this video tutorial i going to show you How to make a free odesk account an easy way 2015?

Odesk is the largest market place for freelancing  career.There is great potential for success as an independent contractor on oDesk.So i have make this video tutorial about on odesk.Follow this video tutorial step by step and make your odesk account.

If you have any question on this video tutorial you can comment freely on this video.I am available for your answer.See the more related video from this blog.thank you so much for watching. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

HTML video tutorial for beginners part 3 of 5

Deer viewer In this video tutorial you can learn about html formatting and html table.So please follow this video tutorial step by step.If you use a word processor, you must be familiar with the ability to make text bold, italicized, or underlined; these are just three of the ten options available to indicate how text can appear in HTML and XHTML.HTML Formatting - Learn HTML to develop your website in simple and easy steps starting from its overview, basic tags, meta tags, attributes, formatting.